New energy order
Zagreb, October 14, 2025, International Hotel
Four markers of the 9th Interenef

Energy corporations in the new energy order

Technological modernization and artificial intelligence as dimensions of the new energy order

Energy market and energy geopolitics as the second dimension of the new energy order

Croatia as the new EU "gas hub"
Organized by...
In partnership with...

Ministry of Economy

Atlantic Council of Croatia

Energetski institut Hrvoje Požar
Forum definition
The International Energy Forum is conceived as a meeting place for actors from the academic community, energy companies, governments/politics and the media to reflect on and problematize different dimensions of energy policy and energy geopolitics.
Forum Concept
The International Energy Forum promotes the policy concept, that is, the concept of energy policy.
The International Energy Forum is placed in the framework of political science. The fundamental idea of the political science of energy is the idea of power and empowerment of actors in the international community by using energy resources as a lever of power.
The forum aims to promote the meaning and importance of energy diplomacy as it relates to foreign policy and overall national, especially energy, security.
The Forum operates within the framework of an institutional identity based on the problematization of energy policy and geopolitics of energy.
To promote the importance of energy policy for the functioning of the economy in the global risk society and the geopolitics of energy as a type of political power of states.
Čime se bavi 7. INTERENEF?
Solarna energija u energetskoj politici Europske unije s osvrtom na Hrvatsku
Međunarodni energetski forum (INTERENEF) tradicionalno podržavaju Vlada RH, Splitsko-dalmatinska županija i Grad Split. Svake godine Forum okuplja brojne stručnjake, kreatore politika i ključne poslovne dionike iz EU i Jugoistočne Europe, postajući jedno od vodećih središta za rasprave o energetici u Hrvatskoj. Sedmo izdanje Foruma posvećeno je solarnoj energiji i na neki je način nastavak rasprava o zelenoj energetskoj tranziciji Mediteranu o kojoj se govorilo tijekom šestog izdanja Foruma, 2022.
Solarna energija igra ključnu ulogu u prijelazu na čistu energiju, a EU je dugo bio predvodnik u razvoju solarne energije. Europski zeleni plan i REPowerEU još su jednom ponovili važnost solarne energije u opredjeljenju europskog bloka prema gospodarstvu s nula emisija.
Solarna energija je izvor energije koji raste najvećom brzinom u EU, što ne čudi: solarna energija je jeftina, čista, modularna i fleksibilna. To je najdostupniji obnovljivi izvor energije za kućanstva i doprinosi zaštiti potrošača od nestabilnih cijena energije.
U 2020. solarno tržište EU poraslo je za 18 GW. Kao rezultat toga, 5,2% ukupne proizvodnje električne energije u EU dolazi iz solarne energije. Cijena solarne energije smanjila se za 82% tijekom posljednjeg desetljeća, što je čini najkonkurentnijim izvorom električne energije u mnogim dijelovima EU-a.
Kao dio REPowerEU, Europska komisija usvojila je u svibnju 2022. EU strategiju za solarnu energiju. Strategija ima za cilj pustiti u pogon više od 320 GW solarne fotonaponske energije do 2025. i gotovo 600 GW do 2030. kroz svoje tri ključne inicijative: Europska inicijativa za solarne krovove, EU LSP za vještine i EU Solar PV Industry Alliance.
S obzirom na svoj geografski položaj, sunce je daleko najvažniji potencijalni izvor obnovljive energije u euromediteranskoj regiji. Međutim, iskorištenost u južnom i istočnom Sredozemlju i dalje je zanemariva.
Hrvatska trenutno iskorištava tek nešto više od 3% svog solarnog energetskog potencijala, a ukupna proizvodnja energije solarnih elektrana iznosi manje od 1% potreba zemlje za električnom energijom. Nadalje, primorska Hrvatska jedna je od najsunčanijih regija Europe, no zanimljivo je da Dalmacija zaostaje za drugim dijelovima Hrvatske u proizvodnji solarne energije.
Na Sedmom izdanju INTERENEF-a raspravljat ćemo o nekoliko aspekata proizvodnje solarne energije u jugoistočnoj Europi s fokusom na Hrvatsku. Panel I posvećen je izazovima povezanim s trenutnom tehnologijom solarne proizvodnje, problemima u mrežnom povezivanju i mogućim novim solarnim tehnologijama. Poslovna iskustva i dobre prakse predstavit će hrvatske i međunarodne kompanije iz područja proizvodnje solarne energije.
Na panelu II raspravljat će se o zakonskim propisima koji utječu na proizvodnju solarne energije. Panel III će se baviti boljim razumijevanjem ekonomskih koristi i rizika solarne energije. Panel IV će ponoviti ključne zaključke iz prethodnih rasprava i okupiti sve govornike za završne riječi i pitanja iz publike.
Izvještaj s INTERENEF-a bit će objavljen u roku od mjesec dana.
Forum Executive Team

Prof. dr. sc. Daria Karasalihović
Forum director

Prof.dr.sc. Anđelko Milardović

Dr.sc. Vedran Obućina
International Secretary of Interenef

Dr.sc. Ivica Toljan

Dr.sc. Jadranka Polović

Mr.sc. Igor Grozdanić
Forum Panels

Plenarno predavanje:
Solarna energija u energetskim politikama Europske unije i jugoistočne Europe, prof.dr.sc. Romana Jerković, zastupnica u Europskom parlamentu
First panel
Challenges and opportunities of energy corporations in the new energy order
Energy companies/corporations. This panel will discuss energy corporations in the new energy order, challenges and opportunities in the new global environment.
The challenges are the transition from fossil to renewable energy sources, energy policy aligned with the structure of the new energy order as part of regulatory processes, storage of renewable energy sources, rising costs of modernizing the energy system, and respecting consumer expectations in relation to market prices of energy sources.
Opportunities include large investments in renewable energy sources, energy efficiency in pursuit of solutions that reduce energy consumption and costs for end users, modernization and digitalization of the energy system, sustainability and social responsibility. The success of energy corporations in the new energy order lies in the ability to adapt, innovation, a sustainable economy and realistic consumer expectations.

Second panel
Modernization of energy corporations, use of new technologies and artificial intelligence in the new energy order
Technological innovation and artificial intelligence. This panel will discuss technological innovations in the energy sector with a special role of artificial intelligence. How do new technologies and artificial intelligence become a key factor for survival and competitiveness in the new energy order? This is one of the important questions in relation to the technological dimension of the new energy order. On this panel, the issues of the use of smart networks in the energy sector, the use of AI in data analysis, distributed energy management and energy market analysis will be discussed. It will discuss how technological innovations are optimizing operations and improving customer experience.

Third panel
The energy market in the new energy order and geopolitical turmoil
Energy Market. This panel will discuss energy markets in the new energy order, with a special focus on geopolitical turmoil that greatly affects the market and prices and distribution of energy sources. The panel will discuss the reshaping of energy markets under the influence of new renewable energy sources, the decentralization of energy sources, maximum energy independence in relation to various threats such as wars, trade conflicts or economic sanctions, which have a direct impact on energy prices on the global market, which in turn affects the lives of consumers. This is best seen in the example of the Russian aggression against Ukraine, which demonstrates the crucial role of energy geopolitics and its players.

Fourth panel
Croatia as a new EU gas hub within the new energy order
The new EU “gas hub”. This panel will discuss the challenges and opportunities for Croatia to become a significant “gas hub” of the European Union and South-Eastern Europe in the context of new geopolitics. Croatia and the European Union must position themselves in accordance with the premises of the new energy order, taking into account its strong geopolitical dimension. The positioning of Croatia and the European Union in the new energy order is shaped through sustainability strategies, energy security and geopolitical realities. Positioning Croatia as a new “gas hub” contributes to its geopolitical position, economy and political power in the EU and South-Eastern Europe.
Riječ voditeljice Foruma

Osmi međunarodni energetski forum (Interenef) nastavak je prethodnih foruma u kojima smo se bavili aspektima energetskih politika, energetskom tranzicijom, obnovljivim izvorima energije te nadasve geopolitikom energije.
Ovo osmo izdanje fokusirano je na pitanja energetske sigurnosti nacionalnih država članica EU, njihovih strategija, kao i zajedničke energetske sigurnosti Europe, odnosno Europske unije.
Energetsku sigurnost možemo predstaviti u formi trokuta. Prvi kut odnosi se na energetske resurse nacionalnih država i EU, njihovo upravljanje i sigurnost.
Drugi kut predstavljaju ekonomski, pravni i politički instrumenti postizanja energetske sigurnosti radi uspostavljanja stabilnih gospodarstava.
Treći kut predstavlja geopolitika koja determinira energetsku sigurnost. Geopolitika energije počesto je instrument vođenja vanjske politike neke države. Energija se instrumentalizira kako bi se postigli ekonomski i politički ciljevi.
Energetska ovisnost Europske unije pokazala je kako su za ruske agresije na Ukrajinu europska društva upala u zonu visokoga energetskoga i ekonomskoga rizika postavši dijelom društva rizika (die Risikogesellschaft).
Ruska agresija na Ukrajinu osvijetlila je praktičnu dimenziju instrumentalizacije energije u geopolitičke svrhe. Potonja je ubrzala energetsku tranziciju Europe koja bi na dugi rok mogla dovesti do veće energetske stabilnosti.
Poradi svog geopolitičkog položaja, Republika Hrvatska može postati značajno sigurnosno i energetsko čvorište između Zapada i Istoka, dok nam život u globaliziranom svijetu bjelodano pokazuje kako sve gospodarske krize, pandemije i ratovi mogu utjecati na energetsku stabilnost Europe.
A word from the founder
The focus of the 9th International Energy Forum is the topic of the new energy order. The new energy order has several dimensions. The emphasis is on energy corporations in their activities within the framework of the new energy order. They are one of the actors of the new energy order, i.e. its economic dimensions.
As actors of the new energy order, corporations participate in the process of technological transformation in the wake of technological determinism. Technological transformations as a component of modernization imply a series of innovations in the field of energy, including the use of artificial intelligence.
We will try to show how the use of artificial intelligence improves the work of energy corporations in technological, economic and security terms, which is important in relation to the global risk society and the challenges of the new geopolitics of the 21st century.
The Forum will discuss energy markets in the new energy order and issues that affect the functioning of energy markets.
Since the new energy order contains a strong geopolitical dimension, the forum will address its impact on Croatia and Europe, as well as the positioning of Croatian and European energy corporations on the large "chessboard" on which moves are made for security, profit, and the great game of power in which energy is the driver of life, the functioning of societies, and a source of geopolitical power. The emphasis will be on the fourth panel, Croatia as the new "gas hub" of the EU within the new energy order.
Anđelko Milardović
INTERENEF sponsors

Fourm's history

Split, 28.9. 2017, Cornaro hotel - Second INTERENEF
Split, September 27-28, 2018, Cornaro Hotel - Third INTERENEF
Global energy trends
Split, September 27, 2019, Cornaro Hotel - Fourth INTERENEF
Mediterranean Energy
Split, July 24, 2020, Cornaro Hotel - Fifth INTERENEF
EU energy policy and energy democracy
Split, 23. srpnja 2021., Cornaro hotel
Energy transition and green cities of the Mediterranean
Split, September 23, 2022, Cornaro Hotel - Seventh INTERENEF
Solar energy in the energy policies of the EU and Southeastern Europe
Split, September 22, 2023, Cornaro Hotel - Eighth INTERENEF
Energy security of the European Union in the new geopolitical environment: Between risk society and energy security
Split September 27, 2024, Cornaro Hotel - Ninth INTERENEF
New energy order
Zagreb, October 14, 2025, International Hotel